Gaukler, George
George Gaukler, is a 1962 graduate of Valley City State University. He began his career after graduation as a teacher and principal at Noltimier High School. After this brief stint as an educator he has become a recognized leader as a developer, contractor, realtor and state chairman of the ND Democratic party. Currently, George is a founder and president of Valley Realty Inc. and Tri W-G Manufacturing, both located in Valley City. Tri W-G manufactures and markets rehabilitation equipment throughout the US and the entire world. George has served on and been president of both the ND Board of Realtors and the ND Real Estate Commission. He has been recognized for Distinguished service to ND Jaycees, been named as Ford CO. outstanding young man of America and received the Governmental Affairs State Award. As a leader in his political party he served as state chair of Democratic party from 1980-1994. He also served as Democratic National Committeeman, as a member of the National Executive Committee, and as chair of a 13 state Democratic Committee. As a developer, George is involved in land development and home, apartment and commercial construction in Valley City and throughout the state, George was the developer and active partner in the remodeling of the Rudolf Hotel in VC. The building is now known as the Rudolf Square, a senior citizen apartment building.
George has unselfishly given his time and talent for the benefit of Valley City State University, the City of Valley City and the State of North Dakota. He has always sought results-not rewards. George and his wife, Audrey, also a VCSU graduate are the parents of three children. The oldest son, Mike Smith, is a 1984 graduate of VCSU.