Halverson, Dr. Richard C.
Dr. Richard C. Halverson Inducted May 20, 1977
One of the nation's most distinguished clergymen, the Reverend Richard C. Halverson, D.D., is a native of Pingree, North Dakota. He began his post-secondary education at Valley City State Teacher College. Dr. Halverson has a Bachelor of Science degree from Wheaton College, a Bachelor of Theology degree from Princeton Theological Seminary and an honorary Doctorate of Laws degree from Wheaton College. Since 1981, he has served as Chaplain to the United States Senate. A minister of the Presbyterian Church, U.S. A., Dr. Halverson has served as the pastor of several influential congregations, including twenty-five years as minister of Fourth Presbyterian Church, Bethesda, Maryland. He has been Associate of the International Prayer Breakfast Movement of Washington, D.C., since 1956. He was a member of the Board of World Visio, U.S., from 1956 to 1983, serving as its Chairman from 1966 to 1983. He is the President of Concern Ministries, Incorporated, a charitable foundation in Washington, D.C.